Create a Life that Sets You Free
Self Crafted Life Session 1:1 Program
an anxiety-informed Counselling and Coaching program for people who are ready for a better life
This is the program for anyone who is constantly seeking the growth edges. You're in the right place if you live for more than maintenance and love the ongoing journey of personal development.
Trauma-Sensitive Psychotherapy and Coaching with Hollie Wildëthorn
Attend to both your inner and outer reality, and be the best version of yourself, every single day.
beating anxiety and/or depression
changing the thoughts that aren't serving you
integrating trauma and/or grief
holistic wellness : mind, body and Self
dealing with your mother/father/boss/neighbour... issues
thinking, moving, eating, doing well, in order to live well
What does anxiety-informed counselling mean?
Anxiety-informed counselling is gentle, includes awareness of previously experienced trauma, and moves in a time frame that doesn't cause you extra distress. As a registered counsellor I've found people benefit from a series of regular sessions. Due to this, I no longer offer one-off sessions. People who wish to work with me commit to a minimum of 10 sessions as part of a mini-intensive program aimed at helping you create a life of freedom.
An anxiety-informed approach means my counselling practice includes your nervous system in everything we do together. Your nervous system is a flighty, distressed part of your self who can heal quickly in the correct conditions. Counselling that doesn't include the nervous system is like a car without a way to turn on the starter motor.
You could be the right fit for this Session Program if:
you recognise yourself in the About You page
you're willing to commit to 10 sessions over 10 weeks
you have a desire to show up for yourself, invest in your future and be the very best version of You
The seven anxiety-removing reasons why you might choose this anxiety-informed counselling program:
We will meet for a checkin before you commit to anything. I want to make sure that I can help you and you want to work with me. I offer you a 15 minute Zoom call, where we get to have a sense of each other and what you're looking for. If we both feel good at the end of that, we schedule you in for the 10-week 1:1 Sessions
I do not require you to pay for the SCL Program in one go. I know it's not always easy for people to come up with a lump sum in one go, ($1800 for 1:1 Sessions) so I offer you the option to pay each week, over the ten weeks. You can read more about the Pricing structure here >>>
You will receive over $300 worth of extra freebies when you join the Program. Along with your ten weekly sessions, you will receive a Lunation Annual Planner, lifetime access to the 40 Day Planner Challenge and other courses on the Self Crafted Life Platform.
I will present something you've never seen before. If you've sought anxiety or trauma counselling previously, I promise your work with me will be different. I have over 25 years experience working in the Wellness space, and the tools I've collected and developed create actual shifts for a better life.
What you see is what you get. I promise to stick to my promises - there are no hidden costs, tricks, or bonus deals at the end. I'm not going to send you a series of carefully crafted emails to draw you into purchasing a heap of crap you don't need. The Program is ten sessions, plus the freebies. That's all of it. You can find out what else I offer through my newsletter, socials or perusing this website, and if you're interested in those offerings, you have the choice to follow them up (or not). In anxiety-informed counselling (also trauma-sensitive and neurodiversity-affirming) our interactions are directed by the reactions and responses of your nervous system. I won't force you into anything.
I will always fit you in. On completion of your ten week program, you will have the option to continue working with me. For 1:1 Sessions, they can be as often or as irregular as suits you. I will always fit you into my calendar, within three weeks of your asking to return after a break.
We will work holistically. It doesn't matter what your diagnosis is or isn't; what your psych prescribed; what kind of 'diet' your dietician suggested; or how often you go to the gym. We will work together to encompass Thinking, Moving, Eating, Doing and Living Well, in ways that suit you, for this moment in time. Although all new people work with me in a ten session program, your needs will differ to other people. We'll focus on things like anxiety triggers, somatic awareness, thought work, Wellness Principles and the Rhythm. As a result, I won't give you the same cookie-cutter approach as the last person. We will work together to get the best results for you.
If you're interested in defending your awessoomme-ness, unfolding your potential and getting support in the life journey of authenticity, make contact to book your first Free 15 minute Consultation.
There's absolutely no expectation to buy in your first 15min session, and I won't use any crazy sales tricks on you ( cos I don't actually know any ).
Send an email with your request, and I'll contact you to determine your eligibility to the Program. Program spaces are limited, and you may be placed on a waiting list. We will fit you in as soon as we can. Admin will let you know the approximate wait time in a return email.
Request a first Session
This is your invitation to anxiety-informed counselling that will be supportive, life changing and sometimes even fun.
The Institute for Self Crafting is a Company that values Contribution, Authentic Connection and a Self Crafted Life.
Founder and CEO, Hollie Wildëthorn is a counsellor and coach, based in Braidwood NSW, an hour from Canberra and the South Coast. She teaches methods of Self Crafting for individuals and corporate groups.
Hollie works in the intersections of trauma healing, neurodiversity, ecology and feminism.