Trauma-informed, emotionally safe Online Circles to explore the rhythm of Womaning
or wherever you are in the world…
WYRD : the web that is laid out - Nature, Cycles and the Rhythm of Life.
ØRLÖG : your individual momentum in life - partly made from ancestral inheritance, partly built by your actions and choices in this life.
Circles follow the Rhythm of the Year, checking in at significant points of the seasons to bring awareness to the Here and Now through the uncovering of Ancestral Wisdom, Cyclical Living and relationship with the Natural World.

in CIRCLES We will explore :
☸️ Women’s Mysteries, Circling and the Rhythm of Life
☸️ Seasonal Shapeshifting and Cycles
☸️ Ceremony, Ritual and Magick Making
☸️ Alternate States (trance & journey) and Oracling
☸️ Sacred Productivity
☸️ Self psychology, Process work, Parts expression and Somatic processing
☸️ Goddesses and Hera-ines
☸️ Integration as deep understanding
☸️ Becoming She Who You Dreamed to Be and creating a life that sets you free
☸️ 🌾 🍂 💀 ❄️ 🌱🌷🦋☀️
Why online?
The Online Circles are an option for women to dive deep into the seasons, even if you can’t be here with us on the land (for Retreats).
We’ve opened the Online Sessions up for women who feel called to Self Empowerment work through uncovering the wisdom of womanhood.
your group leader
Hollie Wildëthorn lives on the unceded ancestral land of the Dhurga speaking people of the Walbunja Yuin nation in South Eastern so-called Australia. Her home (and Land where the Retreats are held) is at the foot of a mountain range that still holds the ancient whisperings of Gondwana. She lives with her partner, children and a group of horse and chicken therapy assistants.
Hollie is a Psychotherapist, Clinical Counsellor and Coach with a background in natural and ancestral health, wellness, sacred space and witchcraft, martial arts and functional movement, conscious living and Women's Mysteries. She has a Certificate in Psychedelic Assisted Therapies.
online circle details :
All dates/times are in Sydney time. AEST/AEDT
Circles start at 6.30pm - ending around 8.30pm
Circles are on Zoom and NOT recorded due to the nature of personal content shared
$35 p/session
Select private health funds and NDIS self managed plans will cover Circles as Group Counselling / Therapy. Email admin to request a claim invoice.
Sabbatt of the Harvest (Lughnasaddh)
Exploring the abundant awareness of the Queen. Reflecting on shared journeys and story. Deepening the knowing of truth, and walking your talk.
If you have been craving belonging... seeking the crack in the Universe that shows the truth in all things... acknowledging all that you've been and committing to an awareness of that which can become...
In this harvest season, bring a fruit of your labour - it could be something you grew, made, wrote or created in any way...
Autumnul Equinox - Sabbatt of Thanksgiving (Mabon)
We will be exploring what it means to untie ourselves from the expectations and stories of the past, to thrive in this time Here and Now, and create a life that sets us free into the future...
Mysteries of Blood and Moon - listening to the intuitive voice for Here and Now
Sabbatt of the Darkness (Samhain)
Exploring the primordial rhythms of the Wise Woman, crossing the veils and meeting grief.
Drawing on the dark to enact radical acts of Change.
Bring something that will make a beat: clap sticks, a drum or even just tap your hands on a table…
Winter Solstice : Sabbatt of Creation (Yule)
We will be exploring The Winter Solstice through the Sabbatt of Creation.
Exploring the lost and disowned Self - trekking the ancestral wisdom - finding our lost clans - bones and soil - returning home where habits are made for the You you choose to be Here and Now.
For those who have recently been overburdened as we head to the Solstice, or visiting the cave of sorrows over the last few weeks, this will be a session to support you to emerge from this space anew. As the sun is reborn, so too are we.
If you have a candle handy, have it ready and something to light it with.
Sabbatt of the Mystery (Imbolc)
Exploring the making of the Self as Daughter - Planting, spinning, doing... for being
This is a most potent time for intention and prayer as a spell - your Big Wild Dreams - that which you bring into thought comes into being
For those who have recently felt the need to rush, busy and make new, this will be a session to support you in your stirrings. This is The Quickening - all things are possible.
Bring along thread/yarn handwork or a colouring project- something to keep your hands busy.
Spring Equinox - Sabbatt of the Blossom (Ostara)
Exploring the wild places in Self and the world - celebration and rejoicing - confidence and growth - expansion and infinite living in the Here and Now - flowers and spotfires…
This is a most potent time for attending to the shift in yourSelf, from dark to light, cold to warm, loss to embrace
For those who have recently felt the yearning for balance on unstable ground, or the need to complete something before you can move onto the next process, this will be a session to support you in your stirrings. This is the equinox… all mirrors are meeting
Sabbatt of the Awakening (Beltane)
Exploring the essence of the Enchantress - beauty and joy - showing up in the world. How will you meet The Beloved of the Great Mystery... in the Union of Self?
For women who are feeling the urging and emerging of the change of season... If you have noticed a sense of fullness, but not quite sure where or how to fill yourSelf... how to meet your needs in a meaning-full way...
Bring a piece of jewellery that makes you feel amazing...
Summer Solstice - Sabbatt of the Ancient Heat (Litha)
Exploring the Summer Solstice, which we know as the Sabbatt of the Ancient Heat. Checking in with our ancestral lines and Old Knowledge. Playing with spells, rituals and magick.
For women seeking meaning-full traditions and customs for Here and Now. This is the most intense time of the year... the season supports you to go deep, big, and make it worthwhile... if not now, then when?
book an online circle
Discounted Bundle on all 8 Circles in a year cycle
Scholarship Options
Scholarship Options
The Self Crafting Scholarship program supports women who do not have the means to attend. Please consider donating to the Scholarship Fund. Scholarships are prioritised for those with financial needs that fit these criteria:
Women of Culturally and Linguistic Diverse Groups
Indigenous women
Women with a DFV story
Women who have recently lost a child or intimate loved one
If you would like to apply for a discounted rate under the Scholarship fund, please send an email. All information you share with us is 100% confidential. admin@selfcraft.me