International R.E.b.E.L. Day

Countries have national holidays, groups and charities claim special days... and matched with the influence of Julius Ceasar's name (July is named after Julius Caesar ), it seems fitting to declare our very own R.E.b.E.L. Day!

R.E.b.E.L. Day is dedicated to freedom, independence, autonomy, creativity, awweeesssooomme-ness and chasing your Big Wild Dreams.

July 7th is the day we celebrate Renegade Earth-born Evulvalutionary Leaders, like you, who are ready to change the world!

It is customary on this day to create a schedule that sets you free. Say YES to the things you always desire but usually don't get to do. Revisit your Vision Statement. Get real about your mission!

Invite your R.E.b.E.L. friends to join you, and together; be the change you wish to see in the world.

Here's some ideas for celebrating International R.E.b.E.L. Day

  • have a R.E.b.E.L. Day Party with a group of friends and :
    • create your Vision Statements together
    • share your Vision Statements with each other
  • do something that creates immediate change in your or someone else's world
    • feed a homeless person
    • apply for the job of your dreams
    • plant a tree...
  • chase your Big Wild Dreams
    • if you haven't already, write a list of your Big Wild Dreams
    • choose something that seems difficult to achieve and take steps to make it happen today
    • share your list with someone else to inspire you both
  • get yourself in Rhythm
    • audit your Wellness
    • host a Rhythm of Life session at your house
    • revisit your routine
  • do something you wouldn't usually make time to do
    • go for a long walk on the beach / in the forest
    • purchase something that you've been putting off for too long, even though it would benefit you in so many ways
    • have lunch with a friend you haven't seen in a while
    • take the entire day off work and lay in your hammock in the sun!

Get your change pants on :

July 7th is the day for creating the life you've always wished for

Here's some articles to inspire your Big Wild Dreams, and the R.E.b.E.L. in you :::

R.E.b.E.L.s at the Institute

Sometimes, being a R.E.b.E.L. is not easy

Prioritise your Big Wild Dreams

Harvesting your Big Wild Dreams

How to be a Renegade #institutestyle

Today it's okay


You can read about harnessing the Ceasar power of July for yourSelf, on the July detail page of the Lunation Annual Planner.



What if you created One Perfect Day?


Match Your Heart