Prioritise your Big Wild Dreams
With 168 hours in the week, you've got all the time necessary to create your Big Wild Dreams. It's all about PRIORITY. People like to say "I don't have time to xyz" and what they really mean is "I'm prioritising other things in the time I have."
We all have the same amount of time. It's your responsibility to choose how you will use your time.
I created the Lunation Annual Planner and the Self Crafting Year Book for the purpose of prioritising habits and getting life in order. It has been utterly life changing for me, and lots of customers have said so too.
Here is a quick tutorial for using the Year Book - may it inspire you to prioritise and get productive!
Each week there are seven sections for daily planning (That's 168 hours in all!) plus a weekly review. Each day asks you to share gratitude, and an amazing thing that happened today. Prioritise what you love about your days and everything else comes easy!
Daily Rhythm Circles are provided so that you can plan your day. The circle is divided into eight sections, and creates an easy-to-vision layout so that you can actually see what your day looks like. (More data can be entered and specified in the larger Lunation Annual Planner, so if you need more space, go for that.)
I always start by prioritising my sleep : how many hours are completely taken by sleep and rest? Prioritise rest and re-creation, and everything else comes easy!
What you've got left is the productive part of your day. Mark out jobs, work, appointments, and any other responsibilities. Now whatever is left over is your time to make things happen!
Spend a moment at the end of each week reviewing what you have achieved. Research shows that we are more able to make things happen when we keep track of our progress. Ask yourself How could this week have been better? What were the three things that created the most change? and What do i now have the awareness of, that I did not before? Prioritise reflection of your own journey and everything else truly comes easy!
Okay, so with all of those 168 hours, what will you create today?[columns] [span6][/span6][span6]
[/span6][/columns] The May challenge in the Self Crafting Year Book includes a list of toxic habits that you could be doing that keep you unproductive.What could you be creating if you were being all of You in those 168 hours? I can't wait to find out!