Thank you with my whole heart!
Dear Wild Heart of Awwweeesssooomme-ness,
You are so appreciated! It's wonder-full that you are requesting info from the Institute for Self Crafting.
I love that you are getting all the juicy goodness you can from the Institute.
You will hear from me again real soon.
In the meantime, perhaps you'd like the Grand Tour?
- All about Me
- All about You
- All about the Promises I make to people I work with
- All about the Institute for Self Crafting
- A Free Course for making your Big Wild Dreams real
- A Free Course for upgrading your Self Crafted Wellness
You're welcome here, to the Institute for Self Crafting. As you click links and tumble down rabbit holes, you will find heaps of info in the form of blogs, videos, social media, online courses, workbooks, sessions, groups and the occasional live teaching event. [youtube] It can be overwhelming, so here are a few of my favourite things to get you started :The Rhythm of Life is a map for Self Crafting : navigating the Inner and Outer Realms by understanding the flow of the Sun, the Moon, the Earth and our Bodies. When we move in flow with this rhythm, life becomes full of ease and joy. This map is a guide to journey the paths of physical, emotional, mental, environmental and spiritual health, in order to create a life that sets you free.In this book you will learn how all of life can be mapped with the Four Quadrant system, and how your awareness allows you to be in Rhythm at all times. The map concepts are the foundations on which the Institute for Self Crafting is built.
My Session Offerings meet the needs of people who are struggling with anxiety and overwhelm, and the dreadful feeling of not-enoughness. 1:1 Sessions are available locally and online.I prefer to work with people in a 10-part Session Program so that we can both make the commitment to the results you're after to create a life that sets you free.
I've been speaking and educating groups about wellness and self development for 20+ years. People say I'm motivating, inspiring and the good at making complex topics simple to understand. Visit the Speaking page to find out about the Self Crafting related topics I will lecture on, and to engage me for your event. This is also where you'll find any upcoming public dates.
The Lunation Annual Planner is the diary of your dreams! I designed it to change your life, for the better, for ever! it will keep busy people in flow, with the Rhythm of Life and your own schedule.
There’s an entry point for everyone here, just follow your wild heart and see where you end up!
And be sure to visit my blog for tips and tools for self crafting your ultimate, unbound, unlimited life and making your Big Wild Dreams come true.
I'm so happy that you are here! What can we create together?