terms and conditions

  • Payments

    💰 No refunds given within 48 hours of the event (unless cancelled by Hollie).

    💰 If you need to cancel for unforeseen reasons, refunds will be issued provided you give more than 48 hours notice.

    💰 If unforeseen circumstances require cancellation with less than 48 hours notice, you may rollover your payment as a credit for a future date.

    💰 Roll overs are limited to one time. If you do not attend the event on your first rollover date, your fee will be forfeit.

  • Minimum Numbers

    Minimum Numbers apply for all events to run :

    Online Circles : if there are less than 3 people booked in 24 hours before …

    Retreats : if there are less than 3 people booked in 2 weeks before …

    …the event, it will be cancelled and all bookings refunded or credited for a future event. Participants who have already booked will get a notification via sms / Signal app if this is the case.

  • Confidentiality

    A note on Confidentiality from Hollie

    As a Psychotherapist and Counsellor, there is a legal privilege protecting the confidentiality of the information that you share with me. As a professional, I can assure you that I strive to maintain the strictest ethical standards of confidentiality.

    There are legal exceptions to confidentiality. The following situations are those in which the information you have shared with me may be shared with others.

    * The client gives written permission to share confidential information.

    * Anything that suggests a crime or harmful act to ones self or to another.

    * If the client is a minor, and there is indication that she/he was the victim or subject of a crime.

    * Abuse of children is a mandatory reporting offence which counsellors are required by law to report.

    * In response to a subpoena.

    Where confidentiality cannot be maintained, I will take all possible steps to first inform/discuss intention with the client.

  • On-Land Retreats

    These terms articulate the risks and expectations of being on land for our events.

    1. Participation in activities involving the outdoors and animals involve risk of injury. Activities with horses are deemed a ‘significant high risk’ activity by our community and legal system.

    2. Horses have different temperaments and natures. All horses are potentially unpredictable, especially if frightened, hurt or mistreated. Horses have the potential to kick or bite people. Although all due care is taken to ‘match’ the horses to the experience and feelings of clients, horses do explore their ‘environments’ with their bodies, and all care should be taken with the horses to respect their personal space..

    3. Participation in activities involving Natural Movement and Martial Arts involve risk of injury.

    4. I am in appropriate physical condition and know of no reason why I cannot participate in a movement program which includes moving through the outdoors, Martial Arts and participation with horses, in activities organised by Hollie Wildëthorn.

    5. By attending and/or participating in this session I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown and I voluntarily enter at my own risk.

    6. I understand I will be offered a ‘safety guideline’ which supports me in being safe, aware and making safe choices in all sessions with horses. I will not enter a fenced area with horses unless I’ve received this safety guideline.

    7. The staff will take all care possible and follow clear safety guidelines for the benefit of attendees, horses and the natural environment.

    8. I agree not to deliberately frighten, hurt or mistreat the horses and to follow safety guidelines offered by staff.

    9. The Institute for Self Crafting makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, as to the nature, habits, and disposition of any horse involved in sessions or activities.

    10. All directions by the staff must be observed.

    11. I understand Retreats are held outdoors, and offered as an 'all-weather' program. It is my responsibility to dress in appropriate clothing for all events.

    12. I agree to follow the directions of the staff and that any misconduct or refusal by me to follow any direction of the staff can result in exclusion from participation in the activities and immediate removal from training. In the case of the latter, participation in future sessions will be reviewed or cancelled. I understand that any such non-compliance may result in injury as a result of my failure to comply.

    13. In the event of an accident of any kind, I will report to the staff immediately.

    14. In the event of serious accident or injury where an ambulance or medical treatment is required, I will be responsible for any costs that may be incurred.

    15. Upon entering The Wilde as part of a Retreat, I acknowledge the Institute for Self Crafting and it’s staff do not accept any liability for any accident, damage, injury or illness to me.

    16. Knowing the potential inherent risks, I assume sole responsibility for any injury, death or property damage I may suffer as a result of my attendance to this Retreat.

    17. On behalf of myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, I hereby release Institute for Self Crafting and its instructors and other attendees from any liabilities of any nature (including costs), for any type of injuries or loss sustained while training, studying, practicing or in the application of a movement program.

    18. In the case of emergency I hereby authorise any licensed medical personnel to perform any accepted medical procedures deemed necessary and agree to bear any expenses of any such treatment