On the Subject of self crafting

Hollie Wildëthorn is an Author, Wellness Speaker, Educator, Counsellor and Coach, based near Canberra, Australia.

She has a 20+ year track record of educating groups and being out in front. She is a speaker with motivational qualities and the ability to make complex topics simple to understand. Her speaking topics focus on health, wellness and personal development, the framework of Self Crafting.

Email us to request Hollie for your event.

You can find Interviews / Podcasts with Hollie here >>>

Living the life of your Dreams

Rhythm of Life

The Rhythm of Life is a map for Self Crafting : navigating the Inner and Outer Realms by understanding the natural flow of all things. When we have momentum in flow, life becomes easy and our dreams become reality. In this session, learn how to read the map, and how to navigate it through every day for balance, inner calm and outer success, in order to create a life that sets you free.

Self Crafted Wellness

Self Crafting is defined as being the artisan of one’s own reality. Wellness refers to a quality of life that goes beyond 'not being sick' and extends into everything you think, be and do. Wellness is the result of relating to the whole self, inside and out. Self Crafted Wellness means having a balance in your mental, physical, emotional, environmental and spiritual life. In this session you will hear about how you can improve your Wellness, through the framework of ancestral biology, circadian rhythms and mitochondrial function. You will leave this session with a new view on your body and how you relate to your environment, with the tools for improving your quality of life everyday.

Using your morning Well

With 168 hours in the week, we’ve all got the same amount of time to live the life we desire. But why do some people seem to have it all sorted, while you’re struggling just to get out of the house in the morning? In this session, learn how to use your morning to set up success not only in the day ahead, but in your whole life. Whether you want to relieve stress, lose weight, find the love of your life, get your dream job or make more money, using your morning well is the answer.

More out of life than you ever imagined

The elements of Wellness

Wellness is a map to a life lived better. In this session you will learn about the 5 elements that support the foundations of health, and what you can do right away to engage them. Hollie will show you how to determine what you need to focus on right now to balance the 5 elements and improve your quality of life. Based on evolutionary and circadian biology, for increasing mitochondrial function. You will come out of this session knowing exactly where you can focus to get the results you’ve been wanting.

Rhythm of Wellness

A 6-part engagement where you will deep dive into the elements of wellness and learn about the things you can do to have the most impact on your quality of life immediately. Develop an in-depth action plan to improve your quality of life, know exactly what you need to do and how to do it to get the results you’ve only dreamed about before.

Weaving the Wisdom Keeper

As bringer of all life, women have a power-full ability to create reality. Once upon a time, women were trained not only in the arts of healing with plants, but also in the changing of reality. In this session, learn about the ancient connection between Women's Work and Magick. You will learn about the map for Becoming, and how you can use the wisdom of the ancients to better understand your place in the world.

You as a gift to others

Raising Legends

For parents who will go the extra distance for their children. Learn how to use Self Crafting methods with your children, including planning, moving, learning and caring. This session will inspire you to make choices in your family's life so that your kids can become the best version of themselves imaginable. Level up your parenting approach with practical skills, based information and education about raising children Well.

Will you be a Champion?

DFV Champions are people who are interested in helping others and stopping violence, and have the facility to refer at risk individuals to local services if violence is present. Champions can be anyone. In this session learn the current best practice guidelines when addressing a person who has experienced domestic and family violence. Hollie will share what to look for (ie. red flags), how to respond and where to refer a person who has experienced, or is at risk of violence.

Moving Well as Service

Be Strong to Be Useful. For people and organisations who care about long term health, mobility and access to a quality of life that goes beyond medicating pain. This is a movement-rich workshop in which you'll learn some simple strategies for moving well everyday, increasing strength through natural movement, upskilling for balance, and using your body in a way that can be of service to others.

Request Hollie to speak at your event / workplace

Request Hollie to speak at your event / workplace

Gather and learn with other women

Join us at Australia’s premiere women’s health event where the leading professionals in Plant Wisdom, Holistic Health and Womens Mysteries come together on the land, celebrating Mother Earth and Divine Feminine Wisdom. A community of women who choose authenticity over convenience, ethics over fast anything, and personal action to live for a better world. Get your tickets to the Wise Women Gathering here >>>

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