Botanicals and Curios for generating Harmony
Here you will find a list of appropriate ingredients from the Lunation Apothecary for crafting Harmony Spells : Further details for each category (including sub-categories) are given in Lunation's Spell Crafter App.AgrimonyAlumAmethystAngelica RootAniseAphrodite's HerbeAttraction Spell PaperBasilBenzoinBlack ObsidianBlack SaltBlackeyed PeasBlessed Spell PaperBlessed WaterBlue Mojo BagBrahmiCamphorCarnelianCatnipChamomileClear Quartz CrystalCrossroads DustDragon's Blood TearsElder FlowerElf LeafFrankincenseGraveyard DirtGreen AventurineHawthornHennaJasmineLavenderLilyLittle John RootLove Spell PaperMagnetic SandMugwortMyrrhNettlePink Mojo BagPoke RootPomegranate SkinsRed Mojo BagRose Quartz CrystalRueRusty NailsVandal RootVervainVioletViolet Mojo BagWhite Mojo BagWormwoodYarrowPurchase ingredients for your Spells here